
In today’s interconnected world, vast and complicated supply chain risks
are a growing concern for cybersecurity from data breaches to operational disruptions. Organisations need to take a holistic approach to supply chain security, identifying vulnerabilities at every level. This means working with suppliers to establish best security practices, implementing strong security controls, and continuously monitoring and testing for weaknesses.

Lack of Visibility

It can be challenging for companies to get a complete picture of their supply chain and what types of data they have access to.

Weak Security Practices

Different levels of security practices could increase the threat landscape.

Data Breaches

If a third-party vendor experiences a data breach, it can put the company’s data at risk as well.

Malware Infections

Third-party software or hardware could be used as an entry point for malware to steal sensitive data.

Insider Threats

Employees could potentially misuse their access to the company’s systems or data

Lack of Contract Oversight

Contracts with third-party vendors may not include strong cybersecurity language, leaving the company at risk.

Geopolitical Risks

Geopolitical instability or the use of vendors in countries with weaker data protection laws increases risk exposure.


A future resilient supply chain in cybersecurity

Trusted Partners

All on the same page with security protocols and measures.

Robust Protocols

Including the use of strong passwords, two-factor authentication, strong encryption and quantum secure communications.

Holistic Visibility

Real time with business analytics and reporting.

Dynamic Monitoring

Real time with business analytics and reporting.

Rapid Response

Faster detection and response times.

Automated Protection

Built-in and out of the box playbooks.

Integrated Solutions

One unified, intelligent and single platform experience.

Proactive Defense

Layered defense in depth approach.


Improved Cybersecurity Posture

By mitigating supply chain and third-party risks, companies can improve their overall cybersecurity posture, reducing the likelihood of a data breach or cyber-attack.

Protection of Sensitive Data

Supply chain and third-party risks can expose companies to the theft or loss of sensitive data. By implementing mitigation measures, companies can better protect their data from unauthorized access or theft.

Reduced Financial Impact

Cyber-attacks can have a significant financial impact on companies, including lost revenue and the costs associated with remediation efforts. By mitigating supply chain and third-party risks, companies can reduce the financial impact of a cyber-attack.

Compliance with Regulations

Many industries are subject to regulatory compliance requirements related to data protection and cybersecurity. By mitigating supply chain and third-party risks, companies can better comply with these regulations and avoid costly penalties.

Increased Customer Trust

Consumers are increasingly concerned about data protection and cybersecurity. By demonstrating a commitment to mitigating supply chain and third-party risks, companies can increase customer trust and loyalty.